Monday, October 25, 2010

The fate determinality

    At the battle was i waiting for the dragon, all alone knowing i can do it by myself , this fight will be determined by fate who will last long but as you know its no boast.The fierce and fiery look of the dragon didn't effect me that much because i know that my people are depending on me to fight for our liberty from evil lineages and this time its more about the fact that i want that treasure for my kingdom.Standing in open space the dragon spit his brewing fires at me , i could not imagine the win of fate on my side anymore i had to fight and struggle through the battle.A beaten warrior i am , and so weakened by fire then now my mind starts thinking maybe this battle was not for me , myself,and i. Out of luck of God's glory you call it this time around but there's no way would i think about absconding.    

     Stand Strong and BELIEVE IN FATE

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